2 research outputs found

    Mapping Environmental/Sustainable Governance Research in Chile: A Bibliometric and Network Analysis

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    In light of increasing concerns about the efficacy of environmental governance (EG) to address the global sustainability challenges of the Anthropocene era, more integrative, transversal, and far-reaching approaches, referred to here as sustainability governance (SG), are gaining ground both in governance praxis and in research. Empirical and methodological challenges emerge from this conceptual analytical cleavage between EG and SG. Through a combination of bibliometric and network analysis, the objective of this article is to explore the structure and trends in the field of EG/SG research in Chile, internationally regarded as the posterchild of Latin-American EG/SG, and derive empirical insights to feed the analytical distinction between EG and SG that informs global debates about ways forward towards an effective governance in the Anthropocene. Our results show that scientific research on EG/SG has experienced a significant increase since the 1990s. We find that while the topical range of the field is broad, including water governance, biodiversity conservation, environmental institutions, climate change and energy issues, and environmental conflicts and justice, key cross-cutting socio-economic and cultural dynamics underpinning the prevalent, yet fundamentally unsustainable, ways of life and economic model are virtually absent from the field, against their growing presence in diagnoses of “sustained unsustainability”.Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y TecnológicoPeer Reviewe

    Unravelling the Making of Real Utopias

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    Die immer offensichtlicher werdende Verflechtung der vielfĂ€ltigen sozialen und ökologischen Krisen stellt Risikogesellschaften weltweit vor der Herausforderung, grundlegende Transformationen der vorherrschenden gesellschaftlichen Modelle und Lebensweisen vorzunehmen, welche sich an den kulturellen Vorstellungen des wohlhabenden globalen Nordens orientieren. Bisher haben sich jedoch sowohl internationale als auch lokale Versuche, globale Entwicklungspfade in Richtung „faire und nachhaltige“ Zukunft zu lenken, als weitgehend erfolglos erwiesen. Der weltweite Ressourcenverbrauch und die Degradierung der BiosphĂ€re haben sich weiter verschĂ€rft und beschleunigt. In Anlehnung an die deutsche hermeneutische Tradition sowie an den französischen Poststrukturalismus und den amerikanischen symbolischen Interaktionismus versucht diese theoretische und empirische Dissertation, die strukturellen ZwĂ€nge zu modellieren, mit denen individuelle change agents konfrontiert sind, und sie daran hindern, sozial-ökologische "reale Utopien" (Bloch) voranzutreiben. DarĂŒber hinaus nimmt diese Dissertation eine Typisierung möglicher Wege zur Überwindung solcher EinschrĂ€nkungen vor, nĂ€mlich durch Eingriffe einer bestimmten Art von auf der meso-gesellschaftlichen Ebene operierender Agency, die wir als Para-Governance bezeichnen. Die Dissertation schließt mit einer Reflexion ĂŒber die sich verĂ€ndernden Formen und Funktionen von Governance im AnthropozĂ€n, die ĂŒber herkömmliche, eng definierte rationalistische und institutionalistische AnsĂ€tze hinausgehen.The increasingly apparent imbrication of the multiple social and ecological crises creates an imperative for “risk societies” worldwide to undertake fundamental transformations to the currently prevalent model of social organization shaped after the cultural imaginaries of the affluent Global North. So far, however, both international and local attempts at bending global developmental trajectories towards “fair and sustainable” futures have proven largely futile, with global resource-consumption and biosphere degradation further reinforcing and accelerating. Drawing on the German hermeneutic tradition, as well as on French post-structuralism and American symbolic interactionism, this theoretical cum empirical dissertation seeks to model the structural constraints weighting over ‘change agents’, thus preventing them from advancing social-ecological “real utopias” (Bloch), and typify possible ways of overcoming such constraints through interventions of a specific kind of agency identified as operating at the meso-societal level, which we refer to as para-governance. The dissertation concludes by reflecting on the changing forms and functions of governance in the Anthropocene beyond conventional narrowly defined rationalist and institutionalist approaches